'cookieOptions = {...};' I Know Nothing ~ REZ


Oct 27, 2011

I Know Nothing

Sometimes when 'that' feeling haunting me, I'm always ask myself, "Can you do it?" And some said "Of course", and some "Don't care, just go with the flow, live your fucking life and get some smoke". I'm always try to be 'this' or to be 'that' and I do nothing. Sometimes I do 'this' to be 'that' and ended up I'm pretend that the clock is stop ticking. Simply I'm wasting my fucking time. I'm comfortable writing this 'messed up-uneducated article' rather than doing something great to be 'this' and 'that' in my mind in the first place. I know, maybe for some people this article, I mean this pouring heart note, maybe good. But one thing I want to say to the world that I Know Nothing.I heard this phrase or quote before from someone famous, I forgot. The essence of I Know Nothing that I want to write down here is what I feel this morning, I know something, even if I don't know something. I'm always have a choice!